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Last Hitting

One of the biggest factors which separates an average player from a pro player in League of Legends is their ability to last hit. Being good at last hitting can give you a massive gold advantage in game over and getting good at it can really boost your win rate.

It might not seem like a lot but a few extra creep score here, and there can give you a large gold advantage later on in the game. This means you’ll have more gold to spend on items which makes your champion much stronger.

In order to get good at last hitting, you need to put in a lot of practice. It might be hard when you first start out, but as you get more experienced with your champion, it will soon become natural. The primary things to look out for are: how much damage does your auto attack does, and which minion is being attacked. If two or more minions are on low health and are going to die then using one of your abilities is a good way to make sure you get them both.

Over time you’ll soon notice an improvement in your last hitting which will do wonders for your when up against opponents.

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