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Be Smart to Win

You need to take objectives in order to win a game. If you don’t take objectives then your only chance of winning is the other team surrendering, which is unlikely to happen during ranked. Deciding when to take a tower and push the lane or recall back to base can be a tough decision. Do you take the tower and get the gold but make yourself more vulnerable to ganks or do you leave the minions to die to the tower and deny them gold while you recall? Obviously, we can’t give a solid answer as it depends on your situation in game. Are you winning the lane comfortably or are you losing? Is your jungler doing a good job and communicating or are they nowhere to be seen?

If you’re really winning the lane then it’s probably best to take the tower and start to push. Whereas if you’re losing on CS and kills then it’s probably best to play it safe and keep the tower up as long as possible. Knowing when to take objectives can be a real game changer, telling your team to do baron with the enemy team still alive is not the best idea. Wouldn’t it make more sense to wait until most of them are dead first?

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